Connect through music

Amaj has recently focused on maximum connection with minimum contact. Because structure is important. Because friends are important. Together against the virus with the battle cry ‘Beats beat bugs!’ There was a blog in which we continued to stimulate the young people musically and on a weekly basis our orchestra members chatted, played a piece for each other … and played together too! Our Juniors were challenged in recent months to look for a creative outlet: they found it in a virtual orchestra. They each played their parts separately, which were later combined into a complete piece of music and packaged in an original film that shows their strength and creativity at

The Junior Orchestra, which will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in the autumn – hopefully also live –  is therefore extremely proud of the digital result that we present to you today. The choice for The Matching Game by Edvard Grieg is not a coincidence either: it would be the opening piece of the storytelling concert The Nightingale  that was planned on 24 May in deSingel. The concert has been moved to October 18 and will hopefully be the kick-off of a fantastic year of celebrations. But first: music, maestro!
